Sunday, October 14, 2012

My Writing Experience with

I used to work as an editor/writer for a BPO company.  The pay was good but the amount of time that I spent working basically ate up most of the time that I spent with my loved ones.  Don't get me wrong because I loved every minute of it since I was what one would call a “workaholic”.  Add this to the fact that my colleagues also spent the same number of working hours at the office that we became a close-knit family.  Soon enough, I got married and we started a family.  This was when I started to see things in a different perspective and finally decided that it’s about time that I begin my new career as a wife and a mom.  The salary would definitely not be comparable to the one I received while I was employed but I was sure that I was making the right decision.

I now have a home-based baking business that keep me busy whenever my son is away at school.  The sad part of my business is that there are certain months of the year that you hardly get big orders, which makes me want to look for another outlet that would keep me busy.  This was when I decided to go back to writing but this time around I wanted to be a freelance writer.  There are a couple of online “middle-men” or companies that provide writers with possible work projects but it may be a bit hard to break through the initial barriers, particularly if you are up against other more experienced freelance writers who do not care a whit if they charge lower than the existing rate as long as they are able to cinch a project.

Many online writing jobs are available but one does have to worry whether it is a scam or legit.  I have had my fair share of scam work and I’ve learned that for one to avoid getting scammed, one should take their time to review the website that offers the online work.  Visiting forums is one terrific way to get an idea if the company is legit or not.

After browsing around several websites and discussion forums, I was definitely glad to have encountered  They do require the writer to submit an application form and even a test write-up to check if the applicant has the capability to produce articles that are up to par with their standards.  You also have the option of working on a full- or part-time basis.

I was still a bit hesitant to work with them since there have been several discussion forums claiming that this is just one of those online writing scam sites, but it wasn’t enough to deter me and I had the gut feeling that this was definitely worth a try.

I was so relieved that is definitely not a scam company.  Writing projects are available 24/7 and they have updated their site to make it easier for writers to claim writing projects.  The amount you earn actually depends on how many articles you’ve written.  Payment for finished articles is provided through several payment options and you can even request payment transfer on a daily basis. 

If you love to write and think that freelance writing is your cup of tea, why not try to sign up with so you can earn while doing what you love in the comfort of your home.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Hidden and Buried Feelings

"Speak your mind, don't keep it all bottled up inside," is an age-old solicited and unsolicited advice that I get from family and friends.  "Ignore it and it will soon pass," is another advice that is conveniently passed around, whether you like it or not.

Both are sound advice but then when is it time to follow one advice and not the other?  What if you reach your saturation point, what happens after?  Do you really let it all simmer up inside you until you can't hold it in any longer?

As a mom, a wife, a daughter, a relative, and a friend, one is burdened with the task of trying  to listen to other people while I try to make things work, smile and nod at the right time and say the right thing at the right moment.  You ask me if everything is okay, I answer back with a resounding YES.  Little do you know, however, that I am starting to harbor resentment, doubt, and even hurt deep inside because I am starting to feel like a person whose feelings are often times overlooked.

I am a person who has her own thoughts, feelings, and desires ------and I want these to be fulfilled too.  I try not to think too much about myself instead I try to focus on the positive side of life, but then there is a question that begs an answer, "what if????"

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Graduates and Graduations

Time flies so fast. Wasn't it just a few months ago that I hesitantly enrolled my son in Kindergarten school? Now he has just graduated from Preparatory school last March. In fact, we are proud parents of a 5-year-old little boy, who simply breezed through the Preparatory level just like he was playing with his toy cars.

There were the usual tantrums and fights between him and his classmates but these were the little kiddie fights that lasted only a minute or so and was easily mended by a "I'm sorry" from either of the parties involved. From a little boy who barely knew his letters and numbers, he can now read fast and even add and subtract numbers. He would have a go at us saying words in Mandarin and get frustrated whenever we mispronounce our words. He loves to befriend anybody he comes in contact with, is such a curious kid, and does not feel intimidated by large groups of people (he has consistently won an award for speech contests in their school).

Now he is ready for the "big" boy school. This coming school year, he will be in Grade 1. I keep reminding him that he should act and behave as a "big" boy does, and he, for his part, keeps promising that he will act and behave as is appropriate for a "big" boy.

Excitement and pride filled our hearts as we attended the school's culminating activity. I had to fight back tears (of joy) as I watched my son and his classmates perform on stage for the last time as Preparatory students. We would miss one of his teachers who had to move on to another school. She really helped us (parents) and our kids enjoy the learning process while at the same time enjoying and reveling in the fact that they were kids.

We won't know until the school season begins whether my son will have the same or a different set of classmates, but one thing is for sure, as long as we give enough time and attention to our little one, he shall always look forward to the task at hand and be proud of his accomplishments.

Hats off to you and the rest of the graduates for 2010-2011!!!